Hi, I'm Pradip!

I'm a Software Engineer based in Pokhara, Nepal. Working towards creating softwares and websites that makes life easier and more meaningful.


About Me

Get to know me!

Hi, my name is Pradip Subedi and I am a highly ambitious, self-motivated, and driven software engineer based in Pokhara, Nepal.

I am currently pursuing my fourth-year Bachelor of Engineering in Software Engineering at Pokhara University, Nepal.

I have a wide range of hobbies and passions that keep me busy. From reading, playing sports, traveling, to making extra projects for fun. I am always seeking new experiences and love to keep myself engaged and learning new things.

I believe that you should never stop growing and that's what I strive to do, I have a passion for technology and a desire to always push the limits of what is possible. I am excited to see where my career takes me and am always open to new opportunities. 🙂

My Skills








Tailwind CSS






Jobster is a job tracking web app to track your all jobs. Features included to track are: Pending Applicatons, Interviews Scheduled and Jobs Declined. Implemented ReCharts for visualizing all tracks in charts. You can create, read, update and delete jobs.

Cocktails Finder

Cocktails is a web app where we can search for desired cocktails and get details about that cocktails. We can find information like category, instructions and ingredients too.

Dojo Online Store

This is a full featured web app where users can view products and add them to their cart and checkout them. There is also the provision for full flexible categories like price, colors, free shipping, etc.

Github Users

This is a web app in which we can searh for any specific github users and view their repos details. It has ReCharts library implemented to visualize the details in charts.